Kiddie Junction Preschool has 2 locations with UPK classes:

3 North Village Green - 2 classes (8:00-1:00, 9:00-2:00)

148 Center Lane - 3 classes (8:15-1:15, 8:30-1:30, 8:45-1:45)

Extended Hours begin at 8:00 and end at 4:30 at both locations.

After we receive our enrollment list from Levittown School District we will send a survey to all the parents who selected Kiddie Junction. We will ask you to order your preferred location and start time. We will do our best to give you the location and time your prefer based on your lottery number assignment and special needs. A specific location is not guaranteed.

Both locations offer extensions with enrichment classes, early drop off or late pick up. The MONTHLY prices are on our registration form here.

Congratulations on being accepted into the Levittown UPK Program!

Village Green UPK starts later, so Enrichment class ends at 4:30. Early drop off is available.